Oct 2024: Algebraic and arithmetic geometry seminar, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Non-abelian Chabauty and the Selmer Section Conjecture (Slides)Oct 2024: Oberwolfach Workshop “Anabelian Geometry and Representations of Fundamental Groups”, Oberwolfach
Non-abelian Chabauty and the Selmer Section ConjectureJul 2024: Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ANTS XVI, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Website)
Refined Chabauty–Kim computations for the thrice-punctured line over Z[1/6] (Slides)Mar 2024: Algebraic Days of Gabon, Libreville (Website, Photo)
Course on fundamental groups in arithmetic and geometryFeb 2024: Winter Workshop Chabauty–Kim, Heidelberg (Website)
Two lectures on the foundations of Chabauty–Kim theory (Lecture notes, Exercises)
Research talk on Linear and quadratic Chabauty for affine hyperbolic curves (Notes)Nov 2023: Rational points consortium meeting, Utrecht (Website)
Rational points and the étale fundamental group (Slides)Jun 2023: Intercity Number Theory Seminar, Amsterdam
Chabauty–Kim and the locally geometric section conjecture (Slides)May 2023: Online “Selminar” on Selmer schemes by M. Kim
Mixed Tate Selmer schemes beyond the polylog quotient (Slides)Jan 2023: AGNT at Ben Gurion University, Be’er Sheva (online)
Non-abelian Chabauty for the thrice-punctured line and the Selmer section conjectureNov 2022: GAUS Seminar, Heidelberg
Non-abelian Chabauty for the thrice-punctured line and the Selmer section conjectureOct 2022: Junior Algebraic Number Theory Seminar, Leiden
Non-abelian Chabauty for the thrice-punctured line (Slides)Oct 2022: Groningen/Oldenburg seminar, Groningen
The motivic Selmer scheme of the thrice-punctured lineNov 2021: DIAMANT Symposium, Utrecht
Refined Selmer equations for the thrice-punctured lineNov 2021: Introductory talk at the Ruth Moufang Lecture, Frankfurt (online)
Jul 2021: Groningen algebra seminar (online)
Refined Selmer equations for the thrice-punctured lineMar 2021: Oberwolfach workshop “Homotopic and Geometric Galois Theory”
The p-adic section conjecture for localisations of curves (Notes)